Fields & Facilities

The SLSA has free and unlimited use of two regulation size, natural grass fields.

The Centennial Field is located in the centre of town at 1 Mannix Causeway and is a
part of the Laurentian Place complex.

It is adjacent to our indoor training facility and is directly across the street from
 Emergency Services/Fire Department. It has four entrances, all wheelchair accessible,
 bleacher seating and a Broadcast booth.

All buildings and facilities are wheelchair accessible.

The Centennial Field was listed to the Canadian Register of Historic Places in 2005.


Designation of Centennial Field Historic Site:


The Memorial Field is located on Route 220 on the north side of town and is primarily
used as a practise field. It is fully equipped with a clubhouse, changing rooms, and bleacher

It is across the street from our K-12 school and is used extensively for school
activities. Our association and the local school committee have a long-established policy of
cooperation, and we provide free access to both fields for school soccer games and
tournaments as well as other physical education activities.

The Memorial Field is located approximately 300m from our Health Care Centre.

Both fields and facilities (including the indoor recreation complex) are maintained and
actively managed by the volunteer members of the SLSA, and are subsidized with a yearly
operating grant from the Town of St. Lawrence to help offset expenses.

Additionally, local businesses-Enel Wind Power Group, Ocean Choice International
and Canada Fluorspar Inc. provide annual financial assistance for youth and senior soccer